Excitatory pills for men

Excitatory pills for men are an indispensable tool in the fight against sexual impotence. Problems with erectile function can occur regardless of the age category of men. The causes of this phenomenon can be different, but the ways to deal with it is simple, you just need to expend some effort and aspiration. Excitation means for a man can be without a job buy to the pharmacy networks, and in specialty stores. Excitatory drugs for men and for women are an excellent alternative to popular resources that are not always effectively and not so fast.

Function exposure

excitation means for men

Factors, such as the complete blood supply of the fluid of the sexual organ of man, his state of the muscular system, psychological readiness for intimacy a direct impact on how effective and long-lasting erection will. So the function exposure effective means for male potency is in the following directions:

  • improving the supply of blood fluid to the sex organ due to the enlargement of the blood vessels;
  • relaxation of smooth muscle in the penis, which is responsible for the stimulation;
  • the removal of the irritation and nervous tension, thanks to which increases the potency.

Duration and activity of the sexual arousal effect on the dosage and concentration of active elements used drugs for impotence. Certain excitatory drops, cream or pills for potency are effective only during one or two hours, other drugs have effect at more than 24 hours. According to many experts in the field of urology, andrology and reproduction, not too often use such means that provide too long lasting erection, because in this case it is a very large load on the cardiac apparatus.

But it must be remembered, that after the ingestion of these drugs of excitement occurs only in that case, if it is present, sexual stimulation, and the originator, only increases the length and quality of erectile function. Despite the fact that the higher the amount of medication you can buy without a doctor's prescription, is better in advance to consult with experts, because many drugs have contraindications and serious adverse reactions. Therefore, in the presence of contraindications to receiving the tablet, it is better to use a cream.

Using exciting remedy, you should not rely only on your activity. The effect may occur in that case, if in the decisive moment of the representative of the stronger sex, it uses up too much of fatty foods, which greatly reduce the rate of absorption of the active ingredients to the organism. Also you should not in parallel use two ways of excitement. Before the intimate closeness it is recommended to consume lighter salads without mayonnaise, meat, poultry, boiled or roasted on the barbecue fish. And, of course, no alcoholic beverages or narcotic substances.

In what cases is not recommended administration of drugs

Not in all cases it is possible to use similar means, and in particular without prior consultation with a specialist. Even the most effective drugs can to be honest in itself a threat, because they have certain contraindications:

  • the presence of chronic diseases in the apparatus and the cardiovascular system;
  • minor age;
  • the presence of frequent dizziness or epileptic seizures.
remedies for men

Erection in men is a purely individual matter. Causes of problems with potency are injury, psychological or physiological factors. So in any case requires its own approach, individual selection of drugs. In some situations, instead of using tablets or drops it is better to use cream. Which products are most effective? This is followed by a list of funds that are virtually always excited men.